Clorox X Shawn Johnson East | Taillight TV
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Setting the stage:

When Clorox was ready to launch their new Bathroom Ultra Foamer cleaning products at the start of 2023, they tapped Taillight to secure talent and facilitate production for this celebrity-driven shopper marketing campaign.


Olympian Shawn Johnson East became the face of the campaign, showing busy moms how Clorox can make cleaning easy with this new product that can be used on a variety of surfaces. Simply spray, rinse and walk away!

Campaign In Action:

  • Campaign shared across Instagram and TikTok to Shawn's 15 million combined followers.

  • 159 Hours of total play time on TikTok!

  • Over one million organic views!

At Taillight, we specialize in creating digital, branded content with artists, athletes and comedians, on any platform and we can deliver today's biggest celebrities that will authentically share your brand's message with fans and drive sales. 

Looking for celebrity talent to amplify your messaging? Drop us a line for more information. 

Taillight behind the scenes on set
Taillight behind the scenes with Shawn Johnson East

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